Jag är bröllopsfotograf samt familjefotograf och utgår från södra Stockholm men fotograferar ditt bröllop eller familj var som helst i stockholmsområdet. Jag har familj i västra Skåne så jag fotar gärna även där!

Jag fotar nästan allt med människor att göra! Gravida magar, bebisar, barn, familjer, boudoir, förlovning, studenten och bröllopfoto! Jag vill så gärna dokumentera era liv så att ni får den där magiska känslan varje gång ni tittar på bilderna i framtiden.

Jag är medlem i barnfotografer.se samt bröllopsfotografer.com, en samling av Sveriges bästa bröllopsfotografer!

Om ni gillar mina bilder klicka gärna på 'like'!

Sunday 2 January 2011

Best of 2010 - Weddings!


What a year 2010 has been! It's been the most exciting year ever watching both Oskar and my company grow more than I imagined!

I've recently been invited to join the exclusive group of Swedens best wedding photographers at brollopsfotografer.com! It's such an honour and I look forward to shooting even more weddings this year all over Sweden! The lovely little 3D book on this site links directly to an example wedding coffeetable book which are included in 2 of my standard packages this year!

I've loved shooting every one of my wedding couples and families and am so excited for all the people I will meet in 2011...as well as meeting all of my returning clients again! I have enjoyed running my business so much that I'm no longer running Lindholm Photography on evenings and weekends but am now dedicating 2 weekdays per week to it so I hope to have even more time for shooting!

To round up last year I thought I'd share a 'best of weddings 2010' slideshow. There are loads of previously unseen photos here as well as favourites I have already shared on my blog. I hope you enjoy!

Another slideshow with my '2010 family favourites' will come soon with a facebook competition. So come back on my blog for details in a few days!
Jag älskar mitt jobb som bröllopsfotograf i Stockholm och Skåne! I helgen har jag fotat en hel del bröllopspar och familj och det har varit riktigt roligt! Jag älskar barn- och familjefotograferingoch fota över hela landet men gärna mer uppdrag i Skåne och Stockholm!


Sandra Jolly 2 January 2011 at 19:35  

Congratulations Terri! You have captured some truly magical and intimate moments in your wedding photography. I have no doubt you will deliver lots of fantastic shoots in 2011.

Victoria Carlqvist 14 January 2011 at 21:34  

Lovely Terri! What a year - keep up the great work for 2011! :)

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