Jag är bröllopsfotograf samt familjefotograf och utgår från södra Stockholm men fotograferar ditt bröllop eller familj var som helst i stockholmsområdet. Jag har familj i västra Skåne så jag fotar gärna även där!

Jag fotar nästan allt med människor att göra! Gravida magar, bebisar, barn, familjer, boudoir, förlovning, studenten och bröllopfoto! Jag vill så gärna dokumentera era liv så att ni får den där magiska känslan varje gång ni tittar på bilderna i framtiden.

Jag är medlem i barnfotografer.se samt bröllopsfotografer.com, en samling av Sveriges bästa bröllopsfotografer!

Om ni gillar mina bilder klicka gärna på 'like'!

Monday 27 September 2010

Vincent playing at Tullinge Trädgårdstorp!

This weekend I met Vincent, 15 months, and his family at Tullinge Trädgårdstorp for an Autumn shoot. The day before the shoot it was 18 degrees and I thought, perfect! But come the day of the shoot, it was a chilly Autumn morning! Oh well, we can't have it all! Vincent was a charm to photograph. When he laughs, his whole face really lights up! I had loads of fun following him play around the big park in front of the old houses, playing bubbles and running away from his parents! He certainly keeps them on their toes!

I just loved his little outfit. His jeans and shoes are so cool!

...such a cute family...

...and there are even more pictures in the slideshow!

Thursday 23 September 2010

Autumn shooting vs family...

With my last Summer wedding done I can breathe out and say...What a year it's been!

I'm actually on maternity leave and have my hands full with our little Oskar each day until about 6pm when Olof comes home from work. Only then can I get down to blogging, editing photos, creating client galleries or designing photobooks while also trying to share some family time before Oskar goes to bed! It's a constant battle to balance family life and running/developing my business. I guess there are many out there who recognise this difficulty. It's not made easier either by the fact that I've had far more clients this year than expected and that they nearly all want to upgrade their packages!! (Really, I'm not complaining!)

The result of all this though is that I'm constantly playing catch up! At least I have no more families waiting for blog pictures but now I'm playing catch up on the client gallery front..but I'm nearly done there too! And then I have a whole bunch of families and brides working on their picture selection so I have a HUGE amount of photo editing and album designing to do this Autumn. Which brings me to my dilemma... how many more bookings should I accept this Autumn?! I've been umming and aarhing for a few weeks over this topic and I've decided I'm going to limit my number of booking from now till Christmas. So, If you are thinking of booking me for a shoot before the end of the year you need to get in touch because I don't have that many sessions left available!

Today, instead of working on a client gallery as I had planned I decided to take my camera into the garden and capture Oskar and his 2 front teeth! I've been trying to find time for this for about 3 weeks...and today was finally the day! It's really quite a challenge trying to entertain him, stop him from eating grass and mud and shoot at the same time...all by myself!... but I managed to get a few..so here they come, our darling Oskar, the cutest baby in the world - 10 months old!

Sunday 19 September 2010

Malin + Gunnar + Landsort + gale force winds = stunning wedding portraits!

I helgen var jag den lyckad bröllopsfotograf i Stockholms skärgård åt Malin och Gunnar!
I've been looking forward to shooting Malin and Gunnar all Summer long and got really nervous this week when the forecast for Landsort on Saturday changed twice per day! Showers, cloudy or rain, what would it be? I was a little nervous...but not Gunnar and Malin! "A little rain is nothing," said the Swedish coast guard! Well, if you are happy to shoot in the rain then so am I!! ...and we did.
At first it was just spitting a little so the shelter of overhanging roof tops kept Malin and Gunnar pretty dry...and then the umbrellas came out...

...and then...well, the 15 m/s (roughly 40 mph) gale force winds and Forest Gumps 'sideways' rain came in straight off the sea...just before we planned to take the panaoramic shots on the clifffs by the sea... run!! We took shelter in a grimy workshop to wait it out . (Big thanks to Sjöfartsverket/Swedish Marine Authority for opening up for us!) But the wind and rain just didn't stop! So, we carried on inside and got some stunning shots. I think you have agree! I just followed the light and my job was super easy because Malin and Gunnar are so beautiful and just radiate happiness! They rocked!

Eventually, the weather calmed a little and we could brave the outdoors with the wind and rain, that just fell from above, to climb over slippery rocks and get the shot in front of Landsorts lighthouse! Yes! We got there in the end!

As I packed up my things to leave the island I was left feeling happy. I knew I had taken some great shots and the skies were clearing up. I could even see a patch of blue which meant Malin and Gunnar could have their wedding in front of the lighthouse afterall! Perfect!

Thanks Malin and Gunnar for choosing me to document your day! I loved every second! Congratulations again!

p.s. I just have to add this one personal shot! The afternoon before the wedding I walked around the island looking for locations and found this spot filled with loads of fishing gear and thought it'd be perfect! But... just as I started shooting this location with Malin and Gunnar, the skies opened for real and we ran like the wind!...but at least I got this beautiful shot of my favourite boys!!

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Well if you read this all the way at the bottom of the page then you might want more information! In which case go to my website where details about my shoots, portfolios and even prices are outlined. You can even read a little more about the things in love in the 'about me' section!


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