Jag är bröllopsfotograf samt familjefotograf och utgår från södra Stockholm men fotograferar ditt bröllop eller familj var som helst i stockholmsområdet. Jag har familj i västra Skåne så jag fotar gärna även där!

Jag fotar nästan allt med människor att göra! Gravida magar, bebisar, barn, familjer, boudoir, förlovning, studenten och bröllopfoto! Jag vill så gärna dokumentera era liv så att ni får den där magiska känslan varje gång ni tittar på bilderna i framtiden.

Jag är medlem i barnfotografer.se samt bröllopsfotografer.com, en samling av Sveriges bästa bröllopsfotografer!

Om ni gillar mina bilder klicka gärna på 'like'!

Tuesday 16 December 2008

Wedding couple in Rome

This is a shot I took of a real wedding photoshoot when I was visiting Rome in September. The photographer saw me with all my gear photographing the streets of Rome at night and actually invited me to take some shots of my own of the couple... It was actually a little odd but great fun! The photographer had 2 assistants with remote flash guns in hand and the videographer too. No expense spared I guess. I liked this shot best with the camera man in shot too! I've made it B/W and added a vinette on the lower edge to balance the top half of the frame. What a dress eh?!

Saturday 13 December 2008

Colour popping

I planned to try the colour popping technique using adjustment layers in PS and thought this night scene could be much more interesting with a bit of pop! I took the shot of Maria Kyrka on Södermalm in September. I've converted it to B/W and brought back some colour in the church as well as regions of light and reflection such as some windows, the street lamp and cobblestone. The shot original is beneath the edit one.

Friday 12 December 2008

Wedding photographers

I've been thinking about starting a blog as a compliment to my new website which is almost but not quite ready. I figured that I don't really want to clutter my new site with all my latest photos but keep it only for my best (which will of course change much over time!) and I thought a blogg could be the solution...but aren't blogs a bit nerdy?... but then... Yesterday I met a group of wedding photographers who hang out on a photo community site called Fotosidan (www.fotosidan.se) and it seems that several of them of bloggs and it seems to be quite the thing to do, so it wasn't such a strange idea after all. I recently joined the fotosidan community and yesterday I got to put faces to some of the names. It was an evening full of inspiration. These photographers live and breathe photography it seems, much as I do, except they have come much much further with it... but we all have to start somewhere. I really enjoyed myself though!

My first blog entry

I thought I'd start my blog by uploading my most recent photos. These are of Ben, the child of one of my dearest friends, Helen, who lives in the UK. I took them one day when I was visiting recently and put a selection together and posted them off as a photobook to Helen.

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Well if you read this all the way at the bottom of the page then you might want more information! In which case go to my website where details about my shoots, portfolios and even prices are outlined. You can even read a little more about the things in love in the 'about me' section!


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