Jag är bröllopsfotograf samt familjefotograf och utgår från södra Stockholm men fotograferar ditt bröllop eller familj var som helst i stockholmsområdet. Jag har familj i västra Skåne så jag fotar gärna även där!

Jag fotar nästan allt med människor att göra! Gravida magar, bebisar, barn, familjer, boudoir, förlovning, studenten och bröllopfoto! Jag vill så gärna dokumentera era liv så att ni får den där magiska känslan varje gång ni tittar på bilderna i framtiden.

Jag är medlem i barnfotografer.se samt bröllopsfotografer.com, en samling av Sveriges bästa bröllopsfotografer!

Om ni gillar mina bilder klicka gärna på 'like'!

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Baby Alice, now 3 weeks old!

I know I've been promising blogs for ages and I haven't delivered... but I promise I've been busy! ... giving birth! 3 weeks ago our lovely Alice arrived in the world. After regular prelabour contractions on and off for 5 weeks and a long labour Alice decided it was time at last! As they say, good things come to those who wait. She's such a beautiful darling. Oskar loves her to pieces and just wants to hold her. He thinks it's funny when she makes noises and says, "Hej hej Alice!" expecting a reply! So sweet! I was pretty out of it for quite a while after the delivery (photographed I should add by Juliana Wiklund) so it took me a whole 6 days to pick up a camera and I haven't managed more since then. Heres my favourite of our delivery photos taken by juliana. Alice is just a couple of minutes old, lifted up to my chest for the first time.

...and now to some close ups of Alice, 6 days old.
7 days old...
and 2½ weeks!


Cherrie Coutts Photography 22 November 2011 at 12:06  

Oh my goodness, she is just ADORABLE! Love the tear in your eye in the first picture. I look forward to meeting her.

Anna 22 November 2011 at 13:02  

Åh, finaste lilltjejen!
Ser fram emot att träffa er igen på fredag!

Anonymous 22 November 2011 at 21:55  

huge huge huge congratulations .. beautiful little girl with a very pretty name to match. the 2nd baby is different..its much much much more fun thanks to having had a 1st innings..
i cant wait for you to get back into the saddle and the way things are going i doubt i will get the family photos done until you are.. lots of love to you.. Ginny (and my girls of course) XXX

albie 23 November 2011 at 00:24  

She's a cutie! Have fun!

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