Latest Lindholm family member - Oskar!
Oskar was born on the 12th November so he is now just over 1 month old. He was born a little early but had a good weight at 3290 grams and 49 cm long! 1 month later he is now 54.5cm long and weighs a whopping 4410 grams!
Naturally his dad and I think he is the most beautiful baby ever, but you can judge for yourself with these photos. I haven't had much time for real photography so these quick snaps will have to do.
1 day old with pappa.
1 month old and 5 minutes with my 'real' camera, a white sheet, a mini santa hat and a christmas snow globe...

My blog is likely to be rather uneventful these coming months with a few updates of Oskar while I enjoy my maternity leave.
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