Oskar checks out the camera
I found some time this afternoon while Oskar was sleeping to edit a few more photos and felt I had to share this one!

Jag är bröllopsfotograf samt familjefotograf och utgår från södra Stockholm men fotograferar ditt bröllop eller familj var som helst i stockholmsområdet. Jag har familj i västra Skåne så jag fotar gärna även där!
Jag fotar nästan allt med människor att göra! Gravida magar, bebisar, barn, familjer, boudoir, förlovning, studenten och bröllopfoto! Jag vill så gärna dokumentera era liv så att ni får den där magiska känslan varje gång ni tittar på bilderna i framtiden. Jag är medlem i barnfotografer.se samt bröllopsfotografer.com, en samling av Sveriges bästa bröllopsfotografer! Om ni gillar mina bilder klicka gärna på 'like'! Wednesday, 16 December 2009Oskar checks out the cameraI found some time this afternoon while Oskar was sleeping to edit a few more photos and felt I had to share this one! ![]() Posted by Terri Lindholm at Wednesday, December 16, 2009 0 comments Tuesday, 15 December 2009Latest Lindholm family member - Oskar!Oskar was born on the 12th November so he is now just over 1 month old. He was born a little early but had a good weight at 3290 grams and 49 cm long! 1 month later he is now 54.5cm long and weighs a whopping 4410 grams! 1 month old and 5 minutes with my 'real' camera, a white sheet, a mini santa hat and a christmas snow globe... ![]() My blog is likely to be rather uneventful these coming months with a few updates of Oskar while I enjoy my maternity leave. Posted by Terri Lindholm at Tuesday, December 15, 2009 0 comments Pregnancy shoot... of ME!Being pregnant was such a magical time in my life. My husband and I had wanted a baby for a long time and we were finally expecting it was a dream come true. We felt so close and excited and happy that we just had to get this time captured on camera. We wanted pictures to show how we felt, our closeness to eachother and our growing baby. And we are so glad we did! We trusted Juliana Wiklund of morethanwords to shoot this special time and we are thrilled with the result! and a few more in this slideshow... Thanks so much Juliana! Posted by Terri Lindholm at Tuesday, December 15, 2009 0 comments
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www.lindholmphotography.com It would really makes me happy if you left a comment so don't be shy! Let me know what you think and which country/city you are reading from! Thanks for stopping by. /Terri |
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